Friday, March 30, 2012

The Kaminsky's take on London

On Wednesday my family arrived in London.  The day before I had gone to the train station and designated a meeting place.  They did a great job following directions and were waiting right where I told them too.  I guided them through the tube stations to get to the hotel.  I felt bad because there was a lot of stairs to go up and down and they each had a suitcase to carry.  I felt so bad I even helped! My parents weren't tired at all which was great because I was able to show them around the city.

We started at their hotel in Mayfair and walked through Piccadilly to Covent Garden.  It was a fairly long walk.  We would have taken a tube to Covent Garden since that's the main place I wanted to get to but we couldn't find a tube station! When we finally made it to Covent Garden my family had given out.  THeir lack of sleep had him them and we had to head home.  They slept for 2 hours and I napped for an hour.  Thanks to Sam for letting me use him bed and he took the couch.  I made sure to wake them up before I left them or else they'd be up all night.

That night was the eve of my 21st birthday.  I wasn't able to have dinner with my family because my friends had put together a party!!  My parents were on their own to navigate london.

{Me and my roommate have the same birthday!}

On Thursday we started the day at changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace.  I had met my family at the hotel so I could snatch some free breakfast.  Then we walked through Green Park to Buckingham Palace.  The changing of the guards starts at 11:30 so we thought getting there at 10:45 was plenty of time.  We were wrong.  The streets were packed! We were able to find a pretty good place to stand with an alright view but when the guards started moving so did everyone's heads.  I was able to get a few good pictures.  After about 20 mins we found it to be overrated.  Sam explained it well saying "it's a little dramatic for just giving a guy a break."  We left early becuase nothing was happening and how long can you look at met with silly looking hats standing in a straight line.

{Sam, my mom, and me at Buckingham Palace for changing of the guards}

Then we headed to Kensington Palace.  I had previously seen this palace when I biked through Hyde Park but it was being renovated and have just opened the week prior.  The palace has two wings: the apartments where prince Will and Kate are moving into and the "museum" section where the rooms of William and Mary, Queen Victoria, and Queen Anne are being displayed.  It's very modern with lots of interaction going on.  I thought it was cool but it would have been nice to have an audio guide or more descriptions.  There was a temporary exhibit for Princess Diana that showed many of her famous dresses.

Our last site of the day was the Imperial War Museum.  I had been there before and I think it's one of the best museums.

We ran into a few obstacles on the way.  First we got on the wrong train.  We got off at the next station and then had to find the right platform to head back.  Before getting on the next train, I asked a man which direction it was going.  It was in fact that train so I said "come on family lets get on."  Sam then responded "mum and dad aren't with us!"  Immediately the doors closed.  Sam was able to hop off but I was stuck on.  Sam ran and told our parents that I had gotten on the train.  They saw me from the window and I just waved goodbye.  I got off at the next stop hoping to be able to see them come by on the next train.  I was able to find them and scolded them for wandering off.  My mom was relieved that Sam had gotten off the train otherwise they would have been looking around the station never believing that we'd get on a train without them! My dad's a wanderer and I think we need to start all holding hands.

We started at the WWI exhibit and then traveled to the WWII exhibit.  We walked through a trench from WWI and experienced the Blitz from WWII.  Then we went through the Holocaust exhibit.  We spend a good two hours there and then we needed a rest.  We headed back to the hotel before dinner.

Thursday was my birthday and we went to a restaurant called Browns in Covent Garden.  I ordered my "first" drink and it was delicious.  My mom helped me pick it out because I didn't know anything about alcohol!  For dinner I ordered a chicken and it's been awhile since I've had a very good backed chicken breast.  Then for dessert I got salted caramel cheesecake that came with a candle and my family half heartedly sang happy birthday (I think they stopped singing half way).  It was a very good restaurant.

{My mom and I with out fruity drinks}

{Dinner- Chicken, potato, green beans}

We planned a big day for Friday so I decided to sleep at the hotel instead of having to wake up extra early.  I got the couch although it was the best couch I've ever slept on!

Friday was a very busy day.  We started at Windsor Castle.  We took the train and upon arriving we discovered that Windsor Castle is closed for a memorial for the Queen mum! You think they could have told us that before purchasing the tickets! We walked around the outside of the castle but then decided to head back to London and go to Hampton Court Palace instead.

{The Outside of Windsor Castle}

I'm really glad we got to see Hampton Court Palace.  This was Henry VIII palace and I learned a lot about him in my historic London class.  We walked through his apartment, saw the Royal Chapel, and the Kitchen.  I found most interesting the history of meat pies.  They didn't have pans to cook all their meat in so pies were made as a cooking tool and the crust wasn't actually eaten.

Then we walked through the gardens.  They were full of flowers (very different than the gardens at Versailles since I saw that in the freezing rain).  We had a very good time at the palace and I was glad we were able to turn our disappointing morning into a great afternoon!!

{Sam, my mom, my dad, and me at Hampton Court Palace}

Then we headed to Harrods.  My third visit and still no purchases.  I obviously have not gotten richer on this trip.

For dinner we went to a nice Indian Restaurant.  This was my first time going to an Indian place to eat in London.  It was very good but too much spice for me.

{My Indian Dish- there was rice and chicken inside}

Tomorrow Justin joins us so I am looking forward to seeing him and going to more sites in London with my family!

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