Monday, January 23, 2012

A Day of Many Firsts

Today was my first day of class and also my last.  I know classes are long here since they only meet once a week but I did not realize they were 3 hours!! Study abroad students get by way easier.  We do not need to take the final for this class therefore we do not actually need to go to it.  Half our grade is based on our presentation, which my group decided to go first (next week) and get it over with.  The second half is based on a paper after reading a short case.  Easy smeesy not going to worry about this class.  I have a big day of classes tomorrow and probably should be sleeping but I don't want to fall behind on blogging.

My friend from school Elli is visiting me this week.  She is studying in South Africa and has a 4 day lay over in London.  Today we met up with our friend Lauren and finally did some shopping!!  We started our night at Kings Cross Station and saw platform 9 3/4!! We were on our way to Hogwarts.

After that quick and anti-climate picture (seriously its just half a cart in a wall off to the side of the station) we went to Oxford Circus for my first (of hopefully many) days of shopping.  We started off at TopShop, the most popular and most expensive young women's store.  I could not pull off any of the clothing, although I tried some stuff on for fun.  We then went into H&M which we have at Mall of America but it was a different style of clothing here in London.  My bank account is going to be quite happy because I did not find anything that I could wear.  My clothing style is too simple for Europe.  The last store we went to is called Primark.  All my friends have been talking about it so I needed to check it out.  It is a very inexpensive store.  It is lined up with clothing and they have every outfit in multiple colors.  I bought a cute sweater here, very simple, but if I had more time I think I would be able to find some more clothing my style.  I plan to go there another time where I can fill my shopping carts high with clothing to try on like everyone else (I felt kinda left out only holding one shirt compared to everyones 20 shirts).

This evening we met up with 3 other Wisconsin girls (2 from our sorority) for dinner.  It was nice to see familiar faces and catch up on everyones time in London.  I plan to see them again since they live pretty close to me.  Unfortunately I have another day of class tomorrow and probably more boring since I have 3 classes rather than one :(

On the other hand, I booked a weekend trip to Paris this weekend.  It was a very impromptu trip but I am very excited and can't wait to share it with you all.

I also wanted to add a few pictures of me with friends in Oxford.  I noticed that all my pictures were either alone or of no one.  I want to clarify that I have friends but when we take group shots its usual on one person's camera and I need to wait till they are on facebook to download them so here are a few cute ones!
 On Carfax Tower
At Turf's Tavern

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