Monday, January 30, 2012

2 Days in Paris

Hopefully you enjoyed by blog post titles but I don’t think I will be witty enough to do a movie title for every trip! 

Today we started off by taking the metro to the start of the Champs Elysees.  We got out of the metro station and saw the huge ferris wheel right in front of us! There was also a crepe stand so we felt like we needed to buy some crepes.  Today I bought a sugar crepe.  It was way better than the banana one from the day before.  I think if you’re going to get crepes get them off the street.  They sprinkled sugar on it and wrapped it up in a nice triangle.  It was a really sweet and sugary but really good.  From the ferris wheel you could see all the way up Rue de Champs Elysees (Champs Elysees street) to the arc d’triomphe.  We walked the whole street stopping at shops that caught my attention.  Most shops are closed on Sunday but the big shops on Champs Elysees are open because it’s such a tourist attraction.  Also on this street we stopped for lunch.  I ordered a Hawaiian pizza and Eric got a pepperoni and peppers pizza.  I thought my pizza was so crazy looking I had to take a picture.  We sat outside eating our pizza and watched as people walked by (very Parisian of us!) 

It took us about three hours to finally reach the arc d’Triomphe (including the shopping and pizza).  It’s a longer street than I expected.  The arc was very cool.  There was the option to pay and go to the top but we had already gone to the top of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower so it wasn’t necessary.  It was nice walking the street and getting a picture with the arc.

After the arc we went to Le Marais.  I had only written down the metro station and we had no idea what to expect from this area.  As we got out of the metro station the street was full of roller bladers.  They were preparing for some race (I suppose).  Maybe it was roll for a cause or something but we weren’t able to cross the street until they moved.  We stood around really confused for a little and then the roller bladers were off.    We followed everyone else as they crossed the street and headed down some alleys.  We assumed that was the place to go.  Le Marais was where the Jews lived in Paris.  There were buildings with Jewish Stars and the farther down we got we found like 10 Falafel stands in a row, guys with tzitzi and kippahs, stores selling Jewish stars and other jewelry, people speaking Hebrew, and store names in Hebrew writing. 

It was a really interesting area with lots of really cool shops.  There was one store that sold phone cases.  There were gameboy designs, flags, denim cases, rhinestones, every crazy case possible but none that fit my phone L .  Probably a good thing because I would have gotten one and it was a lot of money for some junk.

By this time it was around 4:00.  We were getting exhausted and we had seen and done everything we wanted to.  We didn’t need to head to the airport until 7:00 so we still had a lot of time to kill.  We went to a café and got tea and a croissant.  I finally got a croissant.  I expected to have one everyday but never had the chance!

Finally to end the day, I bought three macarons (not macaroons).  I got chocolate, vanilla, and raspberry.  It was very different than I expected.  I want to explain it well and correctly. So it’s a cookie sandwich.  The first layer after the cookies is a soft gel type sugar.  Then in the middle is a crème.  When you bite in its hard like a wafer cookie and then gets really soft with the jelly and crème.  It’s pretty delicious.  I think my favorite flavor was the vanilla.  They were really sweet and probably shouldn’t have eaten all three but I couldn’t decide on only one flavor!

Overall, I had a great experience in Paris.  I did everything I wanted and more here! The language barrier was stressful and made me very happy that I am studying abroad in an English speaking country. 

I have three days of classes in London and then off to Ireland (Dublin and Galway).  Look out for more posts soon!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

An American in Paris

Before we got on the train to Versailles, we stopped for some breakfast/lunch.  I ordered a crepe himalaya (crepe, ice cream, chocolate sauce, bananas, whipped cream) and it would have been a miracle if I didn't get sick.  1. Bananas usually make me sick. 2. Ice cream/whipped cream make me sick. 3. The amount of chocolate sauced used should make anyone sick.  It probably wasn't a good idea but I really wanted a crepe.  For the most part it was good but I wish it was less chocolately, way less chocolately

The train to Versailles was about 30 mins.  It was less than I expected so I was happy about that.  The Palace of Versailles (Chateau Versaille) was so huge.  I could not even believe it.  Upon entering it was a long walk to get to the entrance.  I could tell that Louis never did any walking otherwise he probably would have made it smaller.  At Versaille we were able to get audioguides so in every room we would listen to a short explanation.  After the palace we walked through the Gardens in order to get to the Grand Trianon.  Today was rainy and cold so not the best day to walk through the garden.  The Grand Trianon was also very big and interesting.  I noticed that each room was decorated by a different color.  I started to refer to them as the blue room, yellow room, and then watermelon room.  After 4 hours at Versailles we were both exhausted.  We didn't even think we would survive the walk from the Grand Trianon back to the Palace where the exit was.  (You need to walk through the Gardens in order to get from the Palace to the Grand Trianon).  Unfortunately my camera died as we reached the palace so I took pictures using Eric's camera.  I will have to upload pictures of the palace once I download his camera to my computer.

After Versailles we got dinner at an Italian restaurant.  I have never wanted pizza and pasta more.  As we walked the streets we found this perfect small italian restaurant right near our hotel, the only problem was no one spoke English.  This was our first time that a restaurant didn't speak English.  Whenever we needed something we would have to point or try to explain using our hands.  All in all we got what we wanted.  The only downfall was that we had to order bottled water because we couldn't explain tap water to her.

After dinner we decided to go back to the Eiffel Tower to go to the top.  We got there at 10:00 and there was a very long line.  We needed to get tickets by 11:00 because that is when they stop letting people up.  Surprisingly the line took only 25 - 30 minutes, which was pretty fast compared to where we had started in line.  The tower was amazing.  We went all the way to the top.  We were able to see the Arc D'Triomphe, the Notre Dame, the Ferris Wheel (don't actually know if there's any significance), and lots of other buildings with lights!  I'm really glad we chose to go all the way to the top rather than the whimpy second tier.  

Left on my list of things to do in Paris is...
1. Walk down Champs Elysees
2. See the Arc D'Triomphe

Tomorrow is my last day and then I'll be heading back to London where I really appreciate the fact that they speak English!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Midnight In Paris

Even though we had a late start to a day (waking up at 11 rather than 9) we were able to see most of what we wanted to.  After waking up we met up with our friend Matt, who is studying in Paris, and headed to the city centre for a day of sight seeing.  First, we ate lunch at a cafe on the street.  I can tell this is a romantic city because all the tables only fit 2 people.  We squeezed all three of us but there was hardly any room for the food.  I ordered Onion Soup aka French Onion Soup.  It was soo yummy. 

 After lunch we went straight to the Notre Dame.  It was the first tourist attraction I had seen in Paris and it was so big and cool.  We were able to walk inside and took some pictures of inside the church.  Then we were able to climb to the top (of course for some extra euros).  There were too many stairs.  I had no idea when it was going to end.  At the top I was able to see a little bit of the Eiffel Tower.  I was also amazed at all the gargoyles sculpted at the top.  They were so intricate and a little bit weird.  Also at the top you are able to go inside the tower and see the bell.  It was huge.  Good thing it did not ring while we were up there.  I think we would have gone deaf.

Boys being boys.  They aren't supposed to cross the red tape

After the Notre Dame we headed to the Musee D'Orsay.  As we walked we passed the Louvre which is such a big building.  That museum would have been too big and overwhelming if we were to visit.  I really liked the D'Orsay.  It had three floors of art mainly impressionist, post-impressionist, and lots of sculptures.  My favorite art was Seurat and Signac.  The paint many different colorful dots that together make the picture.  As you walk closer to the painting you see more detail and more individual dots.  It was very pretty and cool.  The museum doesn't allow pictures so I have none to share.  We were pretty pooped from all the walking at the same time the museum was closing so that worked out perfectly.

Finally, we were on our way to the Eiffel Tower.  It was starting to get dark and soon the tower would be lit up.  We kept walking to what we thought was the right direction and finally in the distance we could see the tower!! At 6:00 the tower started blinking.  We were so surprised but I guess for the first 5 mins of every hour the tower goes blinky blinky.  We spent about 30 minutes at the tower taking pictures and just sitting underneath it (since our feet needed a big break).  At the tower we were approached by two jamaicans making friendship braceletes.  The asked us to hold the string as they finished the bracelet.  Then they tied it on our wrists and asked for 10 Euros! We were not going to pay that much.  I gave them 3 for mine.  It was a good scam but we ended up liking the bracelets. 

The blinky show

Tomorrow we are going to Versailles.  I don't plan on it taking the whole day so I'd also like to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, Walk Champs Elysees, and see the Arc d'Triomphe and if time shop a little.  There's a lot on tomorrows agenda hopefully I can make it happen.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Passport to Paris

Je ne parle pas francais (I do not speak French)

This afternoon I embarked on my first European adventure heading to Paris with Eric.  The travel was crazy and at times I didn't think we were going to make it but we did! The adventure started by meeting each other at King's Cross Station.  From the start we had problems.  In the huge station we couldn't find each other!! I thought for sure we were going to miss the train to the airport.  But like always everything worked out.  We found each other, got our tickets, are were able to find the train (I did have to ask someone for help to where the train was).  It was a short train ride to the airport and we were successful in part 1 of the trip!

The airport was very easy.  We followed the big groups and were able to make it to the gate.  I did get felt up and down at security.  I think my hair pins set off the body walk through.  We flew EasyJet and the airline was so nice.  No one is assigned any seats and you get to pick where you sit! We were near the front of the line and therefore were able to sit next to each and get seats near the front of the plane.  The flight attendants were so friendly.  They kept saying hello as everyone boarded the plane and offered to help put my bag in the overhead.  It was such a short trip! Comparable to the flight from Madison to Minneapolis.  By the time we got up in the air it was like we were preparing to land.  I slept though for probably an hour (the length of the flight).

At the airport we had to figure out how to get to our hotel.  I knew we were in the Opera district so found a bus and decided to get on it.  I think it was during rush hour because it was a very long bus ride.  The worst part was the bus driving was driving and texting!!! I didn't feel very safe.  We had no idea where the bus was going to stop or how close it would be to our hotel.  It made me very nervous.  Luckily there are maps of the area at about every corner. We were able to use those to find our way to the hotel.  It was about a 15-20 minute walk.  I was so excited and relieved to finally make it.  I felt like I have accomplished a series of difficult challenges.

The hotel is small and quaint.  I suppose it's like a typical Paris hotel, not much room for movement.  Although the bathroom is very nice and I think the water is warmer and better pressure than my shower at my flat in London.

For dinner we walked down a few blocks and ate at a restaurant.  The waiter brought us bread and it was sooo good.  I would have rather eaten the whole basket of bread than the chicken I ordered.  We also got dessert.  We each bought our own because I wanted to be able to try more than one.  Eric ordered a chocolate mousse and I got a creme brule.  They were so good.  I am usually full after the main meal but I'm going to have to get dessert every night while I'm here.

I have a big day ahead for tomorrow.  On our agenda is...
1. Notre Dame
2. The Louvre - just checking it out, not going inside
3. D'Orsay
4. Eiffel Tower
5. Champs Elysees
6. Arc de Triomphe
7. Back to the Eiffel Tower for the night view

It's a big day and I will have a lot of pictures and stories to report back.  Stay tuned!

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Day of Many Firsts

Today was my first day of class and also my last.  I know classes are long here since they only meet once a week but I did not realize they were 3 hours!! Study abroad students get by way easier.  We do not need to take the final for this class therefore we do not actually need to go to it.  Half our grade is based on our presentation, which my group decided to go first (next week) and get it over with.  The second half is based on a paper after reading a short case.  Easy smeesy not going to worry about this class.  I have a big day of classes tomorrow and probably should be sleeping but I don't want to fall behind on blogging.

My friend from school Elli is visiting me this week.  She is studying in South Africa and has a 4 day lay over in London.  Today we met up with our friend Lauren and finally did some shopping!!  We started our night at Kings Cross Station and saw platform 9 3/4!! We were on our way to Hogwarts.

After that quick and anti-climate picture (seriously its just half a cart in a wall off to the side of the station) we went to Oxford Circus for my first (of hopefully many) days of shopping.  We started off at TopShop, the most popular and most expensive young women's store.  I could not pull off any of the clothing, although I tried some stuff on for fun.  We then went into H&M which we have at Mall of America but it was a different style of clothing here in London.  My bank account is going to be quite happy because I did not find anything that I could wear.  My clothing style is too simple for Europe.  The last store we went to is called Primark.  All my friends have been talking about it so I needed to check it out.  It is a very inexpensive store.  It is lined up with clothing and they have every outfit in multiple colors.  I bought a cute sweater here, very simple, but if I had more time I think I would be able to find some more clothing my style.  I plan to go there another time where I can fill my shopping carts high with clothing to try on like everyone else (I felt kinda left out only holding one shirt compared to everyones 20 shirts).

This evening we met up with 3 other Wisconsin girls (2 from our sorority) for dinner.  It was nice to see familiar faces and catch up on everyones time in London.  I plan to see them again since they live pretty close to me.  Unfortunately I have another day of class tomorrow and probably more boring since I have 3 classes rather than one :(

On the other hand, I booked a weekend trip to Paris this weekend.  It was a very impromptu trip but I am very excited and can't wait to share it with you all.

I also wanted to add a few pictures of me with friends in Oxford.  I noticed that all my pictures were either alone or of no one.  I want to clarify that I have friends but when we take group shots its usual on one person's camera and I need to wait till they are on facebook to download them so here are a few cute ones!
 On Carfax Tower
At Turf's Tavern

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day Trip to Oxford

Today 13 kids from my group took a day trip to Oxford.  It started off as quite the adventure.  Our normal tube station ended up being closed so we had to detour to the next closest station.  It was a big delay and we ended up running to our train.  Right when we got on it started moving.  It actually was more fun having to run to the train.  Oxford is such a beautiful city.  Even on the train looking out the window I was amazed at how green the grass was.  Immediately when we got off the train we went to the Carfax tower.  We were told to climb to the top of the tower while it is sunny because all the roofs in Oxford are made of limestone and glow in the sun.  We wanted to get there asap because sun in UK is rare.
Carfax Tower
Some pretty views from the top of the tower:

 For lunch we ate at an Irish pub.  It was the best food I have had here but also the only food I've eaten out haha.  I ordered a simple grilled chicken with bbq sauce and chips (aka french fries).  It was just the food I needed and I was very satisfied for my long day ahead of walking.  We scheduled a private walking tour for our group to see the City and University.  The architecture was so cool!  We paid extra to be able to go into Christ Church and the entrance of Bodleian Library.  At Christ Church we saw the Great Hall that inspired the Great Hall of Harry Potter.  The stairs from Harry Potter are the stairs at Christ Church and some of the walkways are also included in the movies.  Bodleian library is the library in the Harry Potter movies.  It was very exciting seeing some of the areas that the Harry Potter movies were shot.
 Hermes God of Messenger.  All the heads have their mouths open because they are speaking to each other except for one with its mouth shut.
 Significant gargoyles go across the entire top of this tower.  This section has an ox for oxford, lion from narnia, and a boat with three boys.
 Inside Bodleian Library.  This is also the nursery from Harry Potter.

After our 2 hour walking tour we were pooped.  We went to a famous pub called Turf's Tavern to have dinner.  We headed back on the train to London afterwards.  It was a very fun and successful day trip.
Unfortunately my camera died halfway through the tour.  I am lucky to have such a great camera on my phone so please sit still as it takes me some time to transfer pictures from my camera to computer.  More to come. Chao!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Touring London

Here are a few pictures from touring Buckingham Palace and St. James Park.  For once I didn't feel uncomfortable acting like a tourist because mostly everyone in these areas are and everyone is taking pictures.  I can't wait to learn more about London.


 Biggest ducks ever at St. James Park.  They get all up in your business!

Tail-less squirrel attacking random girl

 Most of the Group

 I finally met up with Lauren

 I really want to see this play!

Big Ben is the name of the bell.  The tower is called Clock Tower.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Evening at Tower Hill

I started my day at a coffee shop.  I got a hot chocolate, croissant, and read my book.  Another thing that has been difficult to adjust to is walking across the street!  The cars drive on the wrong side of the street and I have no idea where they are coming from.  On the streets of most intersections it actually says in huge print "Look Left" or "Look Right".  I still get overwhelmed crossing the street.

After doing a few errands, including finally getting a cell phone, Eric and I went to Tower Hill.  We saw the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and the Thames River.  I plan on taking a tour of this area later in my trip so for now we just walked around.  The Tower was first used as a palace and royalty lived there.  It was also used as a prison.  I was amazed at how big it was.  The general layout established in the 13th century is what still remains today. The Tower bridge is sometimes confused as the London Bridge but the London Bridge was just down stream. We ate dinner in that area and I had my first taste of Fish and Chips.  Eric ordered it as his meal and I had a few bites.  The fish was good I will get used to it.  The chips were delicious!  My tummy wasn't ready to be as adventurous so I ordered a flatbread pizza.  It tasted like Matza Pizza!! Wasn't very good.  Oh well.  Tomorrow I hope to go to the British Museum so more to come.
 Tower of London

Tower Bridge

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just Touched Down in London Town

I made it here!! Even though the flight was 8 hours it actually went by pretty fast.  I had the row to myself and no one was sitting in front of me.  It was like I was flying first class.  I watched one movie then listened to music and fell asleep.  I think I slept for about 2 hours.  Once we landed we had to pass through immigration.  The line was at least an hour wait but getting through was much easier than I had expected.  I was so nervous about it for nothing!

After getting my baggage, me and the group (4 others) headed to the tube station.  It took us awhile for everyone to get their oyster cards and then we got on the tube.  Our luggage took up the whole walkway.  It was about an hour tube ride.  When it was time for our stop I got nervous that we wouldn't be able to grab and luggage and get off in time.  We prepared the stop before which was probably a really good idea.

Next we had to get our keys from our apartment's office.  This was our first cultural shock happened.  We got to Bedford Place and the street number was 19.  On the right we saw number 21 then 23 then 25 and so on.  On the left we saw 20 and assumed it went to 22 then 24 etc.  We couldn't find 19!! Then we realized the right side goes up by 1 and the left side was going down by 1.  Good thing we figured that out or we could have been walking in circles.

After a long walk from the office we finally made it to our apartment.  My arms we sore and I was exhausted and ready to sleep.  I haven't slept yet though hoping that I won't be too jet lagged.  That's all for now!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Off to London I go

As most of you know I have decided to study abroad in London at City University London.  I will take three business classes and one or two fun cultural London course. 

I have finally finished packing.  The rest of my day involved moving luggage from my checked to carryon because of course my luggage is too heavy.  How can the airlines expect us to only pack 50 lbs for 3 months!! I think the luggage on it’s own weighs 20 lbs.

I have all my documents to pass through immigration all printed out and organized.  I have directions on how to get from the airport to my apartment.  I have numbers for my credit cards, phone company, and housing.  I think I am all set. 

There are two things I am most nervous about.  1. Losing my luggage.  No matter where I travel, whether plane or bus, I am always worried that I will get off and my luggage will not be there.  Usually it’s a short 4 hour bus ride from Madison and my stomach turns the whole time imaging not having luggage.  Now its going to be 8 hours of tummy turning.  2. Carrying my luggage up the stairs from the tube station.  I just checked online and one of the two stations I’ll be at will have a lift (elevator) but the other one won’t.  I guess if the airline loses my luggage I won’t have to worry about my second problem. 

I look forward to sharing my London travels with you this semester.