Thursday, April 19, 2012

Museums, Beatles, and M&M's in London

Unfortunately for my last week in London I got stuck with typical London weather aka rain.  That means my plans of going to a park everyday to bike, picnic, or read had to be changed.

On Sunday, Eric and I went to the Museum of London.  He went to this museum with his class but I hadn’t seen it yet.  It was about the history of life in London and it’s people.  I thought it was very interesting.  It showed the first elevator that was installed in Selfridges department store.  There was a prison that had engravings from the prisoners.  Also, there was an interactive station where you could take a poll on changes in London, such as should the red phone booths stay?  Most of the time I agreed with the majority.

On Monday, another rainy day activity was going to the British Museum.  This time I had gone to this museum with my class but Eric hadn’t.  I saw the Rosetta Stone.  It was used to decipher hieroglyphics.  It is first written in heiroglyphs (the language of the Egyptian monuments that were 3,000 years old), then demotic (the language of everyday Egyptains), and lastly in Greek (the language of the government). 
Also at the British Museum is part of the Parthenon from Greece.  Many of the sculptures that were once part of the structure are on display at the museum. 

{Metopes - Lapiths fighting Centaurs}

{Pediment Structures - Represents the birth of Athena}


{Explains how they were part of the Parthenon}

Then what I found interesting was the Olympic exhibit.  It showed the Olympic medals for the 2012 games!
{Front of gold medal}

{Back of gold medal - supposed to be the River Thames running through the 2012}

On Tuesday, before the rain hit we went to Abbey Road.  We saw the Abbey Road studios but they don’t allow tours.  Then I crossed Abbey Road like the Beatles, only I was awkwardly alone.  I felt very stupid but I did it and got it over with.

{Abbey Road Studios}

Right as the rain began to fall we made to our inside activity of the day at M&M’s World!  This is the biggest candy store in London.  I know there are M&M’s World in LA and Las Vegas but give me a break it was raining out!  The store was very cool and very big!  There were 4 floors.  The top floor was the expensive stuff with a 2,300 pound Swarovski M&M Leather Jacket!  Then on each floor had loads of loads of M&M souvenirs and candies.  It took a lot of will power but I did leave empty handed!

On Wednesday we went to the Science Museum.  Let’s just say the Minnesota Science Museum is better. 

At this point I think we have gone to every museum and have done all of indoor London there is.  I wish it would stop raining!

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