Saturday, April 21, 2012

Last Weekend in London

On Friday, during a break in the rain, Eric and I ventured to Borough Market for one last time to buy grilled cheese for lunch and carmel fudge!  Even on a rainy day, the market is still packed.  Most of the market is covered anyways so when it started to drizzle us along with our food stayed dry.

As we were leaving the market, something weird happened.  The clouds opened up and the sun was shining!  I was not about to go underground to the tube and miss this small opportunity of sun.  So Eric and I decided to just walk and enjoy the weather.  We crossed London Bridge and went to The Monument.  I had been here before on my first walking tour in my Historic London class.  Except then it was freezing outside and I wasn't paying attention to my teacher's stories, I was only worrying about getting the feeling back in my toes and fingers.

The monument was built by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of 1666 as a memorial.  It measures 202 ft tall and if it were to fall westward it would land in the starting location of the fire on Pudding Lane. We decided to walk the 311 steps to the top of the tower.  It was a verrrry long and windy staircase but we eventually made it to the top.  At the top you get a 360 view of the city.  I saw the Tower of London, City Hall, The Shard, The London Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral, The Razor, and The Gherkin.  All of buildings that define the London skyline.  It was a very pretty view and a nice way to end my travel here in London.  As we were leaving the tower we received a certificate for climbing to the top of the monument.  We thought it was well deserved.  We were completely exhausted.

{The Monument to the Great Fire of 1666}

{View of the Gherkin (circular building)}

{View of the Shard (pointy building)}

{Tower Bridge}

As we were exiting the tube station near Eric's flat it started to rain again.  I was so happy that we were able to enjoy the sunshine while it was here and that we did something fun!

Saturday was another highlight of my week.  Eric and I had purchased tickets to the football match between Fulham and Wigan.  They are both apart of the Premier League in London.  It was a much smaller stadium than I had expected.  As we entered, I felt like I was at a high school football game because everyone was hanging out under the stands.  We got to our seats and they were so close.  We were row 10!!

The first half of the game was uneventful.  The real game started at the end of the second half.  Wigan scored the first goal and immediately Fulham scored as well.  Then with 2 minutes left in the game, Fulham scored again to win the game 2-1.  It was a exciting game to watch!  Although the forecast said it would rain all day again, it held out for the game and didn't start raining until we made it back to Eric's flat.  Another win for me!

{After Wigan scored}

{After Fulham scored}

One more day left to enjoy London!

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