Friday, February 17, 2012

Borough Market and Harrods

Today it was 54 degrees!! Woo its getting warm!

I didn’t have the greatest morning but thankfully my day only went uphill.  I woke at 8:30 in the morning in an attempt to get day of tickets to Matilda the Musical.  We got to the box office at 9:30 when it opens at 10 and there was already 16 people in line when they only have 8 tickets.  I can do the math and it was clear that we weren’t going to get tickets.  We now planned to go on Wednesday because the tickets for the matinee show are 50% off when bought the day of. This will be a better deal for really good seats.

This afternoon I went to Borough Market with Greta, Maddie, Brynn, and Alexa.  Borough Market is the largest food market in London.  There was meats, olive oils, cheeses, pastries, and of course sweets (they call candy sweets). 

Right before I took this picture the birds on the top right moved.  
Me and Brynn got really scared that they were still alive!

We tasted this Turkish sweet that is like a flavored gummy covered in powder sugar.  They were good but not worth purchasing.  Then we got to the nut booth.  They kept offering samples but I told him I was allergic.  He gave me a sample of white chocolate covered dried raspberries and they were so good.  I bought a bag of the raspberries and the man kept trying to sneak in a nut.  He was very funny and we all spent a lot of money at his booth.

Turkish Treats - Big squares of flavored gummy.  Another description is a solid jello square.
The nut booth where they were trying to kill me


After the market we went to Harrods and to no surprise we were able to spend the rest of the day and night there.  This was my second time at Harrods but there were still things I hadn’t seen. 

First we walked through the expensive clothing (everything is expensive- I mean designer clothing aka extremely expensive).  I found a real missoni (not target brand) on display so had to take a picture for my mom because she loves missoni.  You’re not allowed to take pictures of the designer clothing but I still got one in before I was yelled at (yay me!) 

Next we walked through the toy store.  There was a glitter tattoo kit and the sales person was giving free tattoos to the little girls.  They supposedly stay on for 5 days.  Greta and I really wanted to get one but we didn’t think she would do that.  There was also snow for sale.  They had a pile on display and it was cold but it didn’t feel like real snow.

Then we went to the Pet Kingdom and Pet Spa.  This section was ridiculous! There was pet shampoo called pet head (looked identical to the human shampoo called bed head).  There were pet costumes, collars, and sweaters.  The craziest was the dog diapers.  They were real diapers for dogs.  I couldn’t believe that anyone would buy it.  There was also a huge display of doggy treats.  These weren’t the typical treats from petsmart.  There was popcorn, cupcakes, donuts, and cookies all for pets!!  I’m not going to let my mom on this floor when she visits because I think Scarlet will get the most gifts out of all of us!

To end our Harrods trip we went to the food court.  There were so many options – meats, cheeses, pastas, pizzas, fish, sandwiches, chocolates, teas, and pastries.  We were going to eat at one of the restaurants but it was too expensive for our study abroad budget.  I got a chicken shish kebab for take-away (what we call to-go) and it was absolutely delicious.  It was already cooked so I just took it home to reheat and I made my own rice.  It was very cheap so if I’m ever in the Harrods neighborhood I will definitely buy another skewer.

Some of my fans (aka my mom) were asking for more pictures of food so here you go.
My lovely dinner that I half made.

I don’t think anyone buys anything at Harrods.  Everyone I saw there was doing the same thing as us, just walking around looking (no touching - wayy to expensive).  It felt more like an amusement park.  We were looking at our store guide and picking out where we wanted to go next.

Harrods during the day

Harrods at night

Me and Harrods

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